Thursday, November 11, 2010


Even though I have been going to have monitoring (sonogram) for like 6 months now, I'm excited about going tomorrow because of several reasons. First, I'm on new meds so I can't wait to see how it's working. Secondly, I can't wait for the nurse to call me and tell me what day to inseminate. I know this month will be so much better because I know so much more about my CM and I have so many more tools to use this month.

Today I brought an OPK so that I can start using it tomorrow CD 9.... I have tried using them in the past but because of the Clomiphene it would never give me a positive sign, maybe now since I'm on the Femara it will work for me?!?! So now when I get up rushing to the bathroom (because I hold it til the last minute!) I will have to pee on 2 sticks! That's a lot but it's worth it!!

Okay up early tomorrow to be @ the doctor's office @ 7am.....

Getting ready to bake carrot cupcakes with homemade cream cheese icing... having guests over tonight to watch my favorite shows (Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice)...

I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."


Unknown said...

I think you should bring leftover carrot cupcakes to game night tomorrow. =) They sound delish! Here's to an exciting wanding tomorrow!

Matirio said...

Im excited for you 7am tommorrow I will think about you (and send good energy)..btw carrot cake cupcakes mouth is watering..LOVE IT..I had the last big piece last night. A perfect way to end the night. I did share with Jermaine and he loved it too.

Thanks again, and I have my fingers crossed behind my back..Muaw