Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have experienced setback. I had to have blood work done for one of the sperm bank that we chose to use. one of the test was a CMV test (look up for more info). I tested positive. Even though 80% of adults will test positive in their lifetime, mine is active and the numbers are high. The symptoms are flu like symptoms. (I'm experiencing this now!) I will be re tested in 3 weeks. But in the meantime I shouldn't get pregnant because I increase the chances of birth defects. I was @ work when I got the news and I felt defeated and called Michelle and of course she rushed to my job to comfort me.. even though I know I could do this pregnant thing by myself I'm so glad that I have her!!

We have narrowed the donors down to 2... We will look @ one more sperm bank before we make our chose. but I will continue with everything else I've been doing with preparing for pregnancy..

I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."

Thursday, January 21, 2010


A decision has been made today... We're going to use a sperm bank! We're going to use to different sperm banks because we want to have options when deciding the donor... Today I faxed over the paperwork to The California Cryobank that's need to set up an account with them.. So this weekend we'll start looking through their donor list and pick 2 to get more information about...

I'm getting excited!!

Also, yesterday I started using an OPK, did one last night and it was negative... Even though we were just testing it I was still disappointed that it came back negative...

Okay, needed to share that excitement with you. Will be back later to update you some more....

Thursday, January 7, 2010

insemination signs...

Okay so I just finish reading the chapter about insemination signs... It was very interesting and I'm going to give you just a little info....

I know that I'm jumped around but that's how i'm reading the book.. next I will read about ovulation signs and post them... But because I know my signs I wanted to know when is best to inseminate...

Insemination signs:
Ideal day to inseminate
-BBT (Basal Body Temperature) hasn't risen yet or just starting to drop..
-An open cervix
-Your OPK (Ovulation Prediction Kit) is "high" for a few days or "peak"
-Your sex drive has increased..

Too Late:
When you feel that cramping or localized twinge you have already ovulated..
-Circle in your underwear...

2 important points to remember

*inseminate @ your signs of peak fertility..
*Don't delay while holding out for temperature or a positive OPK... While the rest of your fertility signals are screaming peak!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Goals....


I have been going through some things since the last time I was here.... It's getting harder to find a known sperm donor!! What's so damn weird about this is that men waste sperm/semen daily, weekly masturbating and when you ask them to do it in a cup they get all holy and shit!!! WTHeck?! But I still plan to find a known donor, but I'm gathering info about a sperm bank because I plan to be pregnant before the spring.... I haven't been reading my book but I plan to get back to it this upcoming week... I also, start school again!! Another degree, but for something I really love to do...

So in the meanwhile I will continue to look for a know donor and continue to monitor my BBT (basal body temperature). If you have an iPhone it's an app called "Bio Clock" that is wonderful it tells you everything you need to know to know when you're the most fertile and best conception dates... Even though I use it I still try and look for the signs my body gives me each month... It's amazing @ all the signs your body give off to let you know that you're ovulating!! And until you're caring about becoming pregnant you never knew those were the signs...

I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Good morning,

I know it's been a while since I wrote on here, not because I changed my mind about my journey but because of the holidays...

But I promise to be more diligent when it comes to writing on here and will update you this evening about the past 3 weeks... enjoy!!!