Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Okay so I haven't been very talkative on here lately because I didn't want to be disappointed again and have to see the pity looks from friends and family when they see me.... I think that all the concern is wonderful and I truly appreciate it but some of the looks I get are saddening.... But I decided that the looks are not that of disappointment or pity, but it's the looks of concern from truly concern people! So I'm back!!!

On Saturday morning we went in for our monthly monitoring @ 7:30... The technician was so cold and anti social, not sure if it was because Michelle came in with me, She look back when I was waiting for Michelle like who is she?!?!? So she starts looking and she's not saying anything (not like the other techs before) and she didn't let me see the screen! So I asked her what she was seeing and she said 1 follicle and then I had to ask her the size and she told me 25. Then she tells me the nurse will call me... So the nurse calls me @ 10:30 and tells me that I only had 1 mature follicle (25mm) for it being CD 8... So the nurse tells me to use the Ovidrel that night and inseminate Sunday and Monday..... So I called the KD and told him and he thought we should inseminate everyday this week... So we have inseminated everyday this week so far.... I was wondering before should I use the CBEFM or the OPK and I decided that I would and for the last 2 days I have gotten a smiley face on the OPK and the CBEFM had shown the "egg" for Sunday and Monday but today went back to the 2nd notch.... So I don't know what I should think of that... I am not stressing over the outcome because like I said before God will make it happen when it's suppose to....

I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As soon as you get your first PEAK on the monitor, you will get a PEAK the following day. And then High for a few more days. There is no need to test after you get your first PEAK, since it's automatic. =)
Sounds like awesome timing!