Saturday, November 13, 2010


So woke up @ 7:30 with the dying urge to use the bathroom, but of course I have to open 2 pee sticks before I can release!! So, I finally get them both open as I'm hopping around by the toilet. So I relax and saturate both stick so now I have to watch blinking symbols for 3-5 minutes as they read my pee... So today I decide I would just sit on the toilet and wait because when I get up I always forget to look right away, and I'm thinking that's why I can't get positive results!! (but of course that's not the truth) I'm sitting there for what seems like forever! And then the big fat "O", when you what to see a big fat smiley face!! So of course I go to thinking "What's wrong with me?" And the other one didn't change from yesterday, but that's expected....

So we're having lunch with some of our friends from church who's been where we are now and they succeed!! Hoping to get some good information and advise from them... Didn't tell you that last night they gave us enough OPK and pregnancy tests to have an army! And some great books!! I tell you that "our community/family" is the best!!! So meeting in Royal Oak for lunch can't wait!!!

I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."

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