Michelle came home early yesterday sick. She's coughing, sneezing and aching all over, I was her "Nurse Hatchett" as she calls me... I went to bed feeling great, just a little cramping but I'm starting to get used to the cramping now...
So this morning woke up with a sore throat and achy body, but also had a little spotting... But I didn't get sad as I usually do because I was reading a "fertility Affirmation" that states "I will rejoice to see my period next month, because it let's me know that my body is functioning correctly."
So, I called my doctor's office to make my appt. to move forward with the surgery to see is it something we could be missing.... I go in Thursday @ 10 am for my pre-op appt. and I guess I will get the schedule date @ that time... I will be going alone for this appt. Michelle can't get off work to go with me....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
This blog is my personal journey of trying to start a family through insemination.... I will provide information and my personal experiences...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Test Results
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Okay so today has been very busy... I was up baking desserts @ 7am and as the morning went on I felt my lower back starting to hurt (as it always do before my cycle start), so that put more clouds in my day than already seemed to be outside.... I know that people will say that you can't tell yet, but I know my body and I don't feel like I'm pregnant... I tried not to think about it all day, but now that I'm home and the festivities are over I'm thinking about what could I possibly be doing wrong??? My RE told me that if it didn't work this month that we should do the laparoscopy surgery next month. So I guess I need to prepare myself for the surgery =((((...
Hope everyone had a great time with their love ones and family.... I know I had a great day....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Hope everyone had a great time with their love ones and family.... I know I had a great day....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Test results...
So yesterday I had to have my Progesterone test done... So because I had to take my grandmother to HFH main campus I decided I would just have my test there oppose to going all the way to Somerset... Well the lady that was taking my blood was pregnant and I don't usually ask women when are they due. But I did, and she told me she was due in Feb. and that this will be her 5th baby!!! (ages 13, 3, 2 and 1)!!! and she didn't even want to be pregnant again!!! It got me to thinking, why is it that I can't be happy for "straight women" when I hear that they're pregnant??? Is it because they don't have to go through all the stuff that we go through?? Or is it because 9 times out of 10 they wasn't even trying to get pregnant!?!?! I don't know why it is but I know I need to work on that....
Anywho, the nurse called me this morning with the test results. My progesterone levels we're 14.1 she said that was good and that my uterus lining was thick. But my only concern now is how good is that because usually every month they say that my levels were great and my uterus lining is thick, but not one time has it produced a BFP!!! So how much weight should I put into that test??? I'll just wait til Dec. 2, when my cycle should start to know what is what??
Okay, I just wanted to update "blog world" with the test results... I have to go bake have over a dozen of cakes and pies to back tonight!!!!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving if I don't talk to you before than....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Anywho, the nurse called me this morning with the test results. My progesterone levels we're 14.1 she said that was good and that my uterus lining was thick. But my only concern now is how good is that because usually every month they say that my levels were great and my uterus lining is thick, but not one time has it produced a BFP!!! So how much weight should I put into that test??? I'll just wait til Dec. 2, when my cycle should start to know what is what??
Okay, I just wanted to update "blog world" with the test results... I have to go bake have over a dozen of cakes and pies to back tonight!!!!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving if I don't talk to you before than....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Test Results
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Early morning...
Okay so I woke up @ 6am ready to go get the sperm from KD, but Michelle isn't the morning person sometimes!!! So I'm sitting in the bed hoping she would hurry up. Finally, @ 6:30 she gets up and she's ready to go get it!! We get to KD house @ 6:55 and he's right out @ 7 with cup in hand... We get home like @ 7:20, and I get very anxious about getting it done, Michelle strolls around and don't understand my urgency to do it!! So of course we argue about how I'm all amped up and she's so cool and collected. So finally, after all that unnecessary time we spend talking (I'm going crazy in my head) It's done @ 7:32!!!! So now I'm laying up in bed relaxing.. Today is CD 15 and I'm thinking maybe we should do it again Saturday???
But even if we don't do it again, I go to the doctor's office for BW, (Progesterone test)
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
But even if we don't do it again, I go to the doctor's office for BW, (Progesterone test)
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Donor Sperm,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day 2
Okay so I didn't blog yesterday, But I inseminated again last night. The day started off as usually, but I was a little worried because I got a negative OPK. So I looked it up on the internet and it said that you will get a positive once and it will come 24-36 hours before you'll ovulate... Then @ 6pm our KD came over, but Michelle couldn't be here because she had to work late, I was comfortable because after we spoke with our friends and they shared with us how I can do it myself if Michelle couldn't be there. So after he left I used the Pre-Seed
15 minutes before I inseminated, then I used the Instead softcup
and got in the bed. I stayed in bed for the rest of the night... So Thursday morning we'll do it again instead we'll go to his house to pick up the sperm instead him coming we'll go @ 7am!!!
After we inseminate tomorrow then the 2 week wait begins....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
After we inseminate tomorrow then the 2 week wait begins....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Donor Sperm,
instead softcup,
Monday, November 15, 2010
So my KD arrived @ 6:30 exactly and we talked til Michelle gets here and we talk some more before he goes into the guest bathroom, does his business in like 8 minutes!!! I have this feeling that everything is falling into place... So it's now 7:20 and I'm lying in bed waiting for Michelle to get everything together... It's now 7:34 and in goes the syringe, and now we're on the road to pregnancy...
I refused to get back out the bed tonight, I want the sperm to have a smooth ride (no motion sickness) So i'll lie here all night and tomorrow wake up with the same thoughts as today, we're gonna inseminate today and again on Wednesday but maybe in the morning on Wednesday...
I'm about to go to sleep so my sperm can run around in my uterus and wait for my egg to go shooting out my fallopian tubes and make a baby... I always wonder will they be in there fighting and talking to each other like in the movie Look Who's Talking
Til tomorrow have a great night...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
I refused to get back out the bed tonight, I want the sperm to have a smooth ride (no motion sickness) So i'll lie here all night and tomorrow wake up with the same thoughts as today, we're gonna inseminate today and again on Wednesday but maybe in the morning on Wednesday...
I'm about to go to sleep so my sperm can run around in my uterus and wait for my egg to go shooting out my fallopian tubes and make a baby... I always wonder will they be in there fighting and talking to each other like in the movie Look Who's Talking
Til tomorrow have a great night...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
In all the months I've been doing this I have never got a smiley face and today I did!!
Now I'm not sure does that mean I'll ovulate today or in the next 24-36 hrs..
The Big Day!!!
So this morning the line wasn't dark but it was there, where other days it wasn't there @ all..So tonight we're gonna inseminate, I'm drinking so much water right now, because they say the more water you drink the more CM you'll have!! But I'm getting everything ready, specimen cup (check), syringe (check), instead softcups (check), Pre-Seed (check) and sperm (coming)!!! So everything is in order now just patiently waiting til 7 for KD to get here...
Okay, gotta go cook dinner before Michelle gets home from work.... Will update later tonight... Pray for US!!!!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Okay, gotta go cook dinner before Michelle gets home from work.... Will update later tonight... Pray for US!!!!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Donor Sperm,
instead softcup,
Sunday, November 14, 2010
So woke up this morning in a very good mood!! Because it's our anniversary and because today is suppose to be the day we inseminate.... So again I'm rushing to use the bathroom and everything is negative again... So after seeing that I decided I was gonna postpone doing the insemination today but start every other day starting tomorrow, so I sent our KD a text message telling him that he can go straight home tonight from his trip and come over tomorrow evening for sure... Michelle checked my CM today and I didn't have a lot but it is getting clearer and that's a great sign!!! Everything is falling into place with my body I believe, just gotta wait for the right timing....
Went to church this morning and we decided that we would go to breakfast/brunch instead of going to dinner tonight for our anniversary. Today just didn't seem like "a special day" for me, even though Michelle gave me a beautiful card and some perfume today seems like another day for us because we're still doing the same stuff we did yesterday?!? So what do you do different on your anniversary oppose to the day before or the day after???
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Went to church this morning and we decided that we would go to breakfast/brunch instead of going to dinner tonight for our anniversary. Today just didn't seem like "a special day" for me, even though Michelle gave me a beautiful card and some perfume today seems like another day for us because we're still doing the same stuff we did yesterday?!? So what do you do different on your anniversary oppose to the day before or the day after???
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Saturday, November 13, 2010
No Shot
okay so we talked with our friends and then talk about it some more and we decided not to use the Ovidrel trigger shot... So we're just gonna do our inseminations starting tomorrow and doing every other night this coming week... And we got another tip don't use the spectulum and try using an Instead 12 Hour Feminine Protection Cup 24 ea
, so we're gonna try that... But now it's off to sleep to get ready for church..
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
instead softcup,
So woke up @ 7:30 with the dying urge to use the bathroom, but of course I have to open 2 pee sticks before I can release!! So, I finally get them both open as I'm hopping around by the toilet. So I relax and saturate both stick so now I have to watch blinking symbols for 3-5 minutes as they read my pee... So today I decide I would just sit on the toilet and wait because when I get up I always forget to look right away, and I'm thinking that's why I can't get positive results!! (but of course that's not the truth) I'm sitting there for what seems like forever! And then the big fat "O", when you what to see a big fat smiley face!! So of course I go to thinking "What's wrong with me?" And the other one didn't change from yesterday, but that's expected....
So we're having lunch with some of our friends from church who's been where we are now and they succeed!! Hoping to get some good information and advise from them... Didn't tell you that last night they gave us enough OPK and pregnancy tests to have an army! And some great books!! I tell you that "our community/family" is the best!!! So meeting in Royal Oak for lunch can't wait!!!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
So we're having lunch with some of our friends from church who's been where we are now and they succeed!! Hoping to get some good information and advise from them... Didn't tell you that last night they gave us enough OPK and pregnancy tests to have an army! And some great books!! I tell you that "our community/family" is the best!!! So meeting in Royal Oak for lunch can't wait!!!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Friday, November 12, 2010
Monitoring update!
Okay nurse called and my estrogen level is 136 (not sure what's the norm) but with the size follicles I have she wants me to do my trigger shot (Ovidrel) tomorrow night and inseminate Sunday and Monday! I'm just so glad that it's Sunday because my KD is out of town til Sunday evening! And the funny thing is we were emailing this week and I told him that I think we should start inseminating Sunday so we had already planned for Sunday. So, he'll be here straight from this trip and then we'll do it again Monday evening and because I'm such an anal person with this we'll probably do it again Tuesday morning before Michelle goes to work =)))... My KD said that he'll do it everyday if that what we want (he is God sent!)....
So that's it til tomorrow when I take the shot, only thing about that is that after that shot I'm usually so moody! But I'm going pray and believe that I'm not going drive Michelle crazy!!!
Pray for her and me!! =)))
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
So that's it til tomorrow when I take the shot, only thing about that is that after that shot I'm usually so moody! But I'm going pray and believe that I'm not going drive Michelle crazy!!!
Pray for her and me!! =)))
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Follicle size,
Okay so woke up @ 6am with 2 sticks on my mind!! But I guess I didn't saturate the OPK stick enough because it gave me the the image of "go read the instructions!" so luckily I can redo that one again this evening....
Arrived @ 7:06 (because of fog) and had to give blood first. I told the lady that she usually takes it from the side, but of course she goes right in the middle and nothing comes out!!! So she looks @ me and I look @ her like "I told you!" so now I have to get poked again because she's hardheaded!!! Then off to lay on my back with my legs up (sounds good, huh?) not! I hate them stir ups.. Well she gets started and I guess we've been doing it so long Michelle's no longer gets excited I looked over @ her and she's doing her hair?!?! But on my right side I have a 20mm and then on my left side I have a 21mm an a 19mm...that's good to only be on CD 9... because usually the monitoring is done on CD 11-12 and they like you to be over 20mm?!?! So the Femara is working well. Now I just have to wait for the nurse to call me this afternoon and tell me when I can inseminate..... So you must wait with me till later... I'll update this evening..
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Arrived @ 7:06 (because of fog) and had to give blood first. I told the lady that she usually takes it from the side, but of course she goes right in the middle and nothing comes out!!! So she looks @ me and I look @ her like "I told you!" so now I have to get poked again because she's hardheaded!!! Then off to lay on my back with my legs up (sounds good, huh?) not! I hate them stir ups.. Well she gets started and I guess we've been doing it so long Michelle's no longer gets excited I looked over @ her and she's doing her hair?!?! But on my right side I have a 20mm and then on my left side I have a 21mm an a 19mm...that's good to only be on CD 9... because usually the monitoring is done on CD 11-12 and they like you to be over 20mm?!?! So the Femara is working well. Now I just have to wait for the nurse to call me this afternoon and tell me when I can inseminate..... So you must wait with me till later... I'll update this evening..
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Follicle size,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Even though I have been going to have monitoring (sonogram) for like 6 months now, I'm excited about going tomorrow because of several reasons. First, I'm on new meds so I can't wait to see how it's working. Secondly, I can't wait for the nurse to call me and tell me what day to inseminate. I know this month will be so much better because I know so much more about my CM and I have so many more tools to use this month.
Today I brought an OPK so that I can start using it tomorrow CD 9.... I have tried using them in the past but because of the Clomiphene it would never give me a positive sign, maybe now since I'm on the Femara it will work for me?!?! So now when I get up rushing to the bathroom (because I hold it til the last minute!) I will have to pee on 2 sticks! That's a lot but it's worth it!!
Okay up early tomorrow to be @ the doctor's office @ 7am.....
Getting ready to bake carrot cupcakes with homemade cream cheese icing... having guests over tonight to watch my favorite shows (Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice)...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Today I brought an OPK so that I can start using it tomorrow CD 9.... I have tried using them in the past but because of the Clomiphene it would never give me a positive sign, maybe now since I'm on the Femara it will work for me?!?! So now when I get up rushing to the bathroom (because I hold it til the last minute!) I will have to pee on 2 sticks! That's a lot but it's worth it!!
Okay up early tomorrow to be @ the doctor's office @ 7am.....
Getting ready to bake carrot cupcakes with homemade cream cheese icing... having guests over tonight to watch my favorite shows (Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice)...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Working good...
Okay so I've been taking "evening primrose oil" every night with my prenatal and Femara, and I can tell you that even though right now I should be more dry, I'm not!! I just can't wait until it should be clear, because that has been the problem the previous months having hostile cervix mucus....
Okay so I went to my 1st Jazz club tonight and even though I protested all these years not to like Jazz I really enjoyed the music, but I still prefer music with lots of lyrics!!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Okay so I went to my 1st Jazz club tonight and even though I protested all these years not to like Jazz I really enjoyed the music, but I still prefer music with lots of lyrics!!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Evening Primrose oil,
Hostile Cervix Mucus,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Girls Day...
So today I was hanging out with my niece.. We woke up @ 8 am and watched the Sprout channel, too much singing if you ask me... So then we decided to go have breakfast, pancakes was the consensus hers with chocolate chips. Then to the bookstore to read books and do some of her homework.. Finally to end the day we went to the movies... While we we're @ the bookstore she asked me why I want to have a baby??? My answer was because I really want a daughter and also because I want another chance @ having that feeling of giving unconditional love and receiving it. Even though I didn't think she really understood my answer, she came back and said "you have me so you can stop trying now!" and she's only 5!!
Also, so remember last month I brought the CBEFM, been wanting to use it since I got it but the rules say you have to wait until the monitor tells you to use it, well this morning it said use me!!! And I was so happy to pee on the stick!! you would've thought it said I won the lottery!!! Still haven't figured it out but I can't wait to do it again tomorrow....
Okay so let's see what my next 2 days of meds do for me....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Also, so remember last month I brought the CBEFM, been wanting to use it since I got it but the rules say you have to wait until the monitor tells you to use it, well this morning it said use me!!! And I was so happy to pee on the stick!! you would've thought it said I won the lottery!!! Still haven't figured it out but I can't wait to do it again tomorrow....
Okay so let's see what my next 2 days of meds do for me....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Monday, November 8, 2010
Okay so today is CD 5 and I called to schedule my monthly monitoring appt and I sent my monthly email to our KD... It's so strange to be telling a guy about when my period started and when I should ovulate! But I do it every month.... So far I haven't had any side effects from the new meds (Femara), Michelle is probably happy about that.... I'm so excited about this months insemination, I've learned so much in the past month that I really believe this month will be better than any other month and I'm very positive and no stress....
Tonight I'm having a sleepover with my 5 yr. old niece!! I'm so excited and glad to be able to spend all day tomorrow doing girlie things with her... Still thinking about what should we do?? What do 5 yr. old girls like to do, besides play in my make up?!?!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Tonight I'm having a sleepover with my 5 yr. old niece!! I'm so excited and glad to be able to spend all day tomorrow doing girlie things with her... Still thinking about what should we do?? What do 5 yr. old girls like to do, besides play in my make up?!?!
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Saturday, November 6, 2010
New meds...
So this has been a very busy Saturday!! Got up this morning @ 5am to finish a baking project I started last night and had to deliver before 9... Then went to get 4 new tires!!! YAAAY! so needed them... Had lunch @ P.F. Chang's w/Michelle and her Mother, went and got new wireless headphones from the Apple Store!! Then went to the movies with several friends to see For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf
the movie and dinner @ T.G.I Fridays'... now finally home....
With all the things I was doing today I kept thinking about the bottle of pills that are sitting on my bed waiting for me to come home and take them. Today is CD 3 and that means I start taking my Femara. I think I was thinking about it so much for 2 reasons, 1 is that it's a new medicine so now I have to get used to new side effects if any (just got used to the Clomiphene side effects) and 2 that sitting on my bed is 10 little pills that is gonna help us make a baby! I still get excited thinking about the fact that I'm gonna have a baby!! So as soon as we walk in the door we get the pill bottle and say our prayer that we say every month before we start the meds, and I take this little brown pill an as it's going down my throat I'm thinking this pill is gonna work this month!! So for the next 4 days I will take these pills and prepare to inseminate this month...
Oh yeah!! after reading Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility
I got several ideas about what I should be doing, one thing was take "Evening Primrose Oil" everyday once your cycle starts and it will help you produce fertile CM, so of course I've been taking this pill every night.... The more things that'll help I'll try...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
With all the things I was doing today I kept thinking about the bottle of pills that are sitting on my bed waiting for me to come home and take them. Today is CD 3 and that means I start taking my Femara. I think I was thinking about it so much for 2 reasons, 1 is that it's a new medicine so now I have to get used to new side effects if any (just got used to the Clomiphene side effects) and 2 that sitting on my bed is 10 little pills that is gonna help us make a baby! I still get excited thinking about the fact that I'm gonna have a baby!! So as soon as we walk in the door we get the pill bottle and say our prayer that we say every month before we start the meds, and I take this little brown pill an as it's going down my throat I'm thinking this pill is gonna work this month!! So for the next 4 days I will take these pills and prepare to inseminate this month...
Oh yeah!! after reading Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Making Babies,
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I'm confused....
So Tuesday I woke up spotting (bright red) yesterday I was spotting dark brown, now today I'm having a constant flow... So now I'm confused because which day do I count as CD 1??? every since I had acupuncture my cycle has been weird, from the brown spotting to cramping!! I haven't had cramps with my cycle since I was 19!!!
So now I need to look this up because I should be starting my medicine (Femara) on CD 3...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
So now I need to look this up because I should be starting my medicine (Femara) on CD 3...
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Okay so this morning I woke up with this funny feeling in my stomach, I figured it was due to the fact that I was up too early about to go vote! Then I came home and I'm spotting?? It's weird because I'm only on CD 23, last month I had a 31 day cycle??? It's only concerning because since I've been TTC I've always had 28 day cycles, so now I'm wondering what's causing the variation?? And I know me, I will be looking online and in my pregnancy books (all 22 of them!!) looking for some medical defect that I might have to answer this mystery... But, in my head right now I hear Michelle telling me to calm down and talk to God!! So Dear that's what I'm gonna do throughout this day talk to God and let him worry (not I)....
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
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