Okay so this weekend (October 16) I found a fertility monitor on craiglist, and we went to pick it up (nice Sweetest Day gift, huh?) So starting next month I will start using it and hopefully it will help me more..
October 18, I went in to see my RE because I was getting frustrated and I had lots of questions after reading the book. So after all my concerns he decided that we should change my meds to Letrozole tablets (2.5 mg). We also discussed having laparoscopic surgery (look below for details). He wants me to try the new meds and inseminate 1 more time before jumping to surgery, I would rather just jump in!! But I'll try the meds 1st.. I also found out today that my doctor was voted "the best RE in Michigan" (In this months "The Hour Magazine") So that was very reassuring..
Well, this morning (October 21) @ 7 am I had to be @ the doctor's office for my monthly monitoring, Michelle really doesn't like getting up this early!! This month is a little different because I knew we wasn't inseminating this month because our donor is out of town so I didn't take any Clomiphene (ovary simulator). So my follicles weren't mature, I had only one "getting" mature follicle (11 mm, CD 11) so I did learn that my follicles don't develop well without the medicine... Also, the xray tech said that it looks like I already ovulated because she saw a collapsed follicle in my left ovary. But she would have extra blood work done to check...
Nurse called this afternoon, and from the blood work and sonogram it looks like I'm either in the process of ovulating or I ovulated yesterday... lucky for me we're not inseminating this month... But I still will check my cervix mucus tonight...
Laparoscopy is direct visualization of the peritoneal cavity, ovaries, outside of the tubes and uterus by using a laparoscopy. The laparoscopy is an instrument somewhat like a miniature telescope with a fiber optic system which brings light into the abdomen. It is about a big around as fountain pen and twice is long.
So the plan for next cycle is to start the new meds on CD 3-7, start the fertility monitoring and inseminate as many times as I can!!! I also learned about Pre-Seed
I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."
1 comment:
We should all sit down and go get some caffeine free drinks and talk fertility. We have plenty of books and lots of supplies. I have CBEFM sticks, OPKs, and HPTs coming out of my ears. I would buy them 50 at a time and have a closet full. I'd be happy to share. Also, have you heard of the instead cup? Some women use it to help keep the sperm close to the cervix. We used that too.
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