Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Insemination Day....

Okay so we inseminated Monday... I was very positive before we went there and even after the insemination.. I didn't feel like we had missed my ovulation window like before. But the next morning when I woke up I had "egg white cervix mucus" so then I was depressed all day, and it's hard to be depressed about this around Michelle because she begins to worry that it's too much for me.... So I have to always be positive and hopeful.... But I have decided that I will not worry about anything until after I take a pregnancy test in 2 weeks.... So I go in on Sunday to have a progestrone test again and then just wait.... Even though I'm not sure, we decided that I would still take my prenatal medicine because as I said before the first 2 weeks are the most important for your baby to receive folic acid.....

So now we wait for 2 weeks to take a pregnancy test... I will keep you updated...


April M. Mason

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Okay so last week either I was gonna have a positive pregnancy test or my period would start, and my period started...

I waited a week to write because I was so disappointed and angry that my period started.... I thought about it and I'm not angry anymore but more so concerned that something isn't working right.. I had so many thoughts and worries about it not happening, even though I was expressing that I didn't think it took but when it didn't take I was so devastated... I think I was more concerned that Michelle would get disappointed with me that it didn't happen, then I was with why it didn't happen, but she said she's wasn't disappointed...
Even though I don't understand why it didn't work this time I have to keep trying and believing that it'll work....

So, starting this week we start all over with the medicine, ultrasound and doctor appointments...


April M. Mason

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Test results


Well Monday I had blood work to check my progestrone level, if your level is above 10 that means that you ovulated for the month. Got my test results back yesterday and my level was 38!! That's good, and she was excited but i'm gonna wait til after I miss my period and than I'll test.... But I'm still not having any symptoms or anything it feels the same to me....

Will update you again next week after I start my period or test.....

I will end each blog with this disclaimer "I'm not a Doctor or expert on this subject. Anything I say is just informational and you should always speak with your doctor before doing or trying anything I say medically."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Insemination Day!!

Well today we were inseminated @ the doctor's office... While waiting 2 hours for the specimen to be prepped and getting set up, so many things were going through my mind. I begun thinking that it's really about to happen and praying to God asking that he would allow me to calm down and relax. So finally they called us back and I was told to undress from the waist down and lay on the table. Once she begun it caused a little discomfort when she inseminated, we did IUI (intrauterine) but she was so nice and sweet (Donna was our nurse)... @ 12:14 she inseminated me! So now I have to have a progestrone blood test on Monday to check my progrestrone and my uterus lining thickness (not sure how that 1 test will tell both).. Then 8 days after that I can go have a blood test for pregnancy...

This time around I'm more relaxed and not worrying about is it gonna be okay... Had all the test and know everything is working right and so now it's in God's hands!!! I'm gonna just faithfully take my prenatal pills and eat healthy just as if I was pregnant! Because the 1st 2 weeks of pregnancy is the most important time that your baby needs folic acid and the other vitamins for healthy brain development (the time before you usually know you're pregnant). And because our pregnancy is planned with care and love we have an advantage to creating a healthy baby....

So now we wait 2 weeks without worry... Will update you soon...  


April M. Mason

Sent from my iPhone