If you're over 35 years old and you're thinking about having a baby these are some of the test you might want to have done before you go through the process and become stressed or frustrated that it's not happening fast enough...
First, you should have a Hystersalpingogram (HSG), this is an X-Ray test designed to evaluate the inside shape of the uterus and determine whether or not the Fallopian tubes are open. This study should be done after menstrual bleeding has stopped, but before you ovulate. In general, this may be done between days 6 and 11 of the menstrual cycle.
Next, you should have blood work to test for, Estradiol (E2), FSH and LH, this should be done on cycle day: 2, 3 or 4.. Also, you should have a Progestrone test, and this should be done on 7, 8 or 9 after you get a positive sign on your OPK. This test will tell if you're ovulating correctly because the progestrone level should be high until the start of your next cycle..
She also told me about the different fertility meds I could take besides taking the Clomid I could take Femur..... Femur isn't approved by the FDA for fertility but approved for breast cancer patients but studies have shown that it works for fertility. Clomid is approved by the FDA for fertility but it's not recommended used for more than 6 cycles because it can cause other complications.
For my next cycle I have to watch my CM, do a BBT chart and use an OPK....
So I have a long list of test to do and a list of things to do @ home!!
*sidenote, the instructions for my BBT thermometer told me to either put it under my arm or insert it anally, I chose the armpit and my temperature never read right so I stopped doing that, but I learned yesterday that I should only put it under my tongue or I'll never get the correct reading.... Lesson learned!!!
April M. Mason
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